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Duane “Buck” Buckner, Aimpoint’s US Director of Training, discusses the advantages of using a red dot sight. He covers working with your biology to stay threat focuse

Duane “Buck” Buckner, Aimpoint’s US Director of Training, speaks to a few reasons why red dot sights aid your decision making (rather t

Aimpoint Launches the new Duty RDS™ Red Dot Sight Manassas, Virginia – Aimpoint, the leading manufacturer and innovator in red dot sighting technology

Duane "Buck" Buckner, Aimpoint's US Director of Training, describes the strength of the simple red dot in an Aimpoint sight. Under a f

Threats are something that we as humans generally find and fixate on in the process of an attack or heightened occurrence. Our intricately designed system allows us to reduce the background

Duane "Buck" Buckner, Aimpoint's US Director of Training, explains common mistakes of aiming with a red dot.