Today’s tip, we break down the War Hog V-Drill, a modified version of the War Hog W drill. Rain or shine, it's crucial to get out and train. In this guide, we'll walk you through this drill and emphasize the importance of testing your equipment in adverse weather conditions. 

  1. Essential Equipment: Orange Cones, to enhance your training experience, consider investing in orange cones. These versatile tools are invaluable for setting up various movement exercises and drills. 

  1. Rainy Weather Preparedness: Don't let rain deter you! Using a reliable pistol with an Aimpoint ACRO red dot sight, with the close emitter system. This system will ensure water won't interfere with your sight picture in wet conditions. 

  1. Validate Your Gear: Testing your equipment in the rain may not be the most enjoyable activity, but it's essential. Validating your gear in adverse conditions will determine its reliability when you need it most. 

  1. TRAIN: The War Hog V-Drill begins at the top of the orange cone, choosing your starting position – whether drawing from the holster or starting from the ready position. Your goal is to fire a precise shot on target. 

  1. Movement and Precision As you move between cones, maintain your focus on the target. Pivot, fire, and get those hits. Pay attention to your footwork and ensure you maintain control while moving. 

  1. Timing and Recording Consider using a pro timer to measure your progress. Recording your drills helps you track your improvement and identify areas for growth, such as movement and speed. 

Conclusion: Training is the key to preparation for any situation. Rain or shine, practice the War Hog V-Drill and test your gear. In a life-threatening encounter, your readiness can make all the difference. Stay safe and keep training! 


Author Bio

Rick Hogg


Retired – US Army Special Operation Combat Veteran


Rick Hogg is the owner of War HOGG Tactical, Inc. and is a 29 year US Army Special Operation Combat Veteran including being a Special Operations K9 handler. He has taken his 13 combat deployment, to both Iraq along with Afghanistan, as well as his teaching experience as a Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat instructor and harnessed them into a proven training methodology service company, War HOGG Tactical, Inc.


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